Harvest Monday - 27th October 2014

By Mwillis
My Harvest Monday posts will be dwindling rapidly from here on in...
I have picked the very last of my Beetroot, so there won't be any more of those until next Summer.

There were a few more ripe chillis. Here are 3 "Jalapenos" and one "Ohnivec".

I moved some of my chilli plants indoors last weekend, and this prompted many of their fruits to ripen much more rapidly than they would have done if they had remained outdoors.

We have plenty of chillis in both the fridge and the freezer, so these ones have now joined the basketful of similar ones "taking a sauna" [i.e. drying in the airing-cupboard.]

There are still plenty of salad items available. I picked these on Sunday:

The big one looks like an Endive, but it isn't. It's a "Cancan" Lettuce.
I'm currently on the lookout for a lettuce that is genuinely Winter-hardy and will withstand some frost. Does anyone know of an suitable ones?
That's it from me for this week, but why not drop by Daphne's Dandelions to see what other contributions there are this week for Harvest Monday...