Harvest Monday - 25 May 2015

By Mwillis
This week's harvest has again been mostly Asparagus and Radishes. Well, what did you expect??

Saxa (L) and Sparkler (R)


(L to R) Saxa, Flamboyant, Sparkler

We liked the Saxa radishes - they were very similar to Cherry Belle (our favourite) - but the pink and white Sparkler ones were a bit tough and not so tasty. The long ones are "Flamboyant 5", a French Breakfast-type variety whose seeds I bought (unsurprisingly) in France. Last year they didn't do so well, but this time seeds from the same packet have performed very much better - presumably just because of weather / soil conditions. I certainly didn't deliberately treat them any differently.
What can I say about the Asparagus? As nice as ever, but still not enough of it!

The batch of Asparagus pictured here was griddled, as part of a fantastic meal that Jane conjured-up, following a recipe in Sabrina Ghayour's book "Persiana". If you are Foodie and you haven't got this book, you are seriously missing a trick! [You can read about the meal Jane made HERE.]

There was a small salad crop this week too - some leaves from the "Cutting Salad" patch - mostly Cress, Mizuna, Mustard and Pak Choi.

These spare lettuce seedlings were surplus to requirements so they were also put into the salad. Every little counts, you know!

Here's where they ended up:

I'm linking-up with Harvest Monday over on Daphne's Dandelions, please stop by and see what other people have harvested this week.