Harvest Monday - 14th December 2015

By Mwillis
Having been away on holiday for a while, and then catching up on all that "stuff" that needs doing when you get back, I haven't been doing much gardening. Nonetheless, I have still been able to harvest a few things.

In the harvest bowl today we have Carrots, Parsnips, Brussels Sprouts and Purple Sprouting Broccoli.

I wrote about the Parsnips a couple of days ago, and admitted that they are poor. Certainly completely outclassed by this year's fantastic crop of Carrots.

The PSB was good though, but unexpected at this time of year. The trouble is that if my PSB all matures early I'll be short of crops for the Spring, and the "Hungry Gap" will be longer than ever.

That's all for this week's Harvest Monday. head over to Our Happy Acres and see what other people have produced.