Harvest Monday - 13th October 2014

By Mwillis
As I described yesterday, I picked the last of my "Maskotka" tomatoes this week - 600g of them:

I also harvested these four small cucumbers:

They were still remarkably good, considering that it is now nearly mid-October.
I also got a few more chillis:

That is four each of "Red Habanero" and "Aji Limon" - both really good-looking types - and one small "King of the North" sweet pepper.

I think "Aji Limon" is a First Class chilli. Not only does the fruit look beautiful, but also it has a distinctly lemony flavor. The level of heat is nice too; not blisteringly hot, but enough to be interesting.
Still on the capsicum theme, I picked these too:

That's two "Piment d'Espelette" and one of the little "Turkish Sweet Pepper". I deliberately picked them green, because that's the way Jane likes them. (I don't eat this type of pepper at all.)
I dug another batch of Carrots. These are "Early Nantes".
 Finally,  I know it's not really something I have "produced", but this past weekend I did collect a load of Chestnuts:  If you want to read more about these, please see the post I published on Saturday. Here's a LINK to it. This is my entry to Harvest Monday, hosted by Daphne's Dandelions, so please drop by there and see what everyone else has been harvesting.