Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Sure’n Let’s All Ha’ A Good Cry!

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

Begorrah! St. Patty’s Day has come and gone, and I’m late with this post. O’Sorry!

As mentioned in a prior post, I used to draw a comic strip for a local paper back in the mid 90s. It was about a street musician named Busker.

Here’s a St. Patty’s strip from March 1997. I didn’t have a computer back then, but I’ve used Photoshop to reset the text here, to make it more readable. You can also view the hand-lettered original.

If you’re not familiar with Danny Boy, it’s one of the true weepers. I remember tears streaming down my face when I listened to a haunting version of it at a barbershop concert many years ago. Here’s a lovely arrangement by The King’s Singers:

May the blog posts rise up to meetcha! A belated Happy St. Pat’s to all!!

What do you think? Ever seen a street musician standing in a puddle of tears? Can you listen to Danny Boy without crying?? Hope you’ll leave a comment.

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