Happy September!!!

By Heathernichole
 It's the most wonderful time of the year! Fall is just around the corner. Even though we don't get to experience Fall like those back East do here in Southern California, I still enjoy being in the -ber months. This year I'm sure I will enjoy the next few months more than ever before in my life. I can officially say I'm getting married NEXT MONTH. I need to accomplish a lot in September because October will fly by and it will be our wedding day before I know it. 
 Before I get into more wedding stuff, I tried a new drink this weekend and I'm in love. I may go get one today in honor of Fall almost being here. I usually get a Paleo iced coffee (iced coffee with canned coconut milk) from Ryan Bros (my favorite coffee shop because it's where Stephen and I met). This past weekend I asked them to add a scoop of their pumpkin powder, after making sure there was no dairy in it. It was perfection. Even the workers said, "That sounds like a good idea! I'll have to try that." Yeah, you should because it's amazing! If you're in  the area, try it. Not so sure I'll have a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte this year. If I do it will only be to try the recipe with real pumpkin in it.   I met with my friend, Sara, this past Friday for a hair trial. She'll be doing my hair for our wedding and I just wanted her to play around with it. She commented how she knows I know how to curl my own hair. And I do. I would totally do my own hair for my wedding BUT I want to just relax that morning and sit back and soak it all in. So I'm having her come over bright and early to do my hair.
 We took Vader on a walk last night and he was so excited. He just loves getting out of the house and I love being able to go on a walk with my little family. His vest says "Do not pet" because it was a hand me down. He's actually very friendly with people.   Vader is definitely still "in training". We have to remind him that he isn't walking us, we're walking him. And he still gets extra excited when he sees another dog and barks. But I'm just glad we know now that there is no aggression in those barks. He just needs to learn how to socialize better. I've learned if I stand in front of him and demand his attention, he will listen to me, sit and calm down. Overall, he's a very good dog and I can't imagine not having him in our home now.   My fiancé bought me this box of k-cups yesterday. There are 80 in there. I am set for a long time! He also bought me new coconut and vanilla stevia drops over the weekend so I am definitely good to go in the coffee department. 
 I set a goal for myself to hit 10,000 steps each day last week and I accomplished that goal. I'm very proud of myself. {Don't look at today's number yet. It's still early.} I'm going to see if I can reach 10,000 steps every day until my wedding...
 And this is the face of a girl who is GETTING MARRIED NEXT MONTH!!!