Happy Healthy Hearts

By Carolyn @CarolynHeintz

Let’s get to the heart of the matter; heart health is a vital part of living well.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the cause of 1 in 4 deaths in the United States and is the #1 cause of death for both genders.

The good news? Heart disease is oftentimes preventable. Here are some ways to maintain a happy, healthy heart:


  • The road to a healthy heart starts with educating yourself about the different types of heart disease. If you understand the risk, you better understand prevention. From heart attack to arrhythmia, learn how to recognize the correlating symptoms. The American Heart Association’s website is a great place to start!

(2) DIET —

  • The way you eat has a massive effect on your heart’s health. Some general guidelines include:
    • Avoid high sodium foods.
      • A little salt is alright, but get in the habit of selecting low-sodium options.
    • Stay away from bad fats.
      • Not all fats are created equal; try to cut out as many saturated and trans fats as you can. For example, go for trans-fat free margarine rather than butter.
    • Embrace fruits and veggies.
      • Jam-packed full of necessary antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber—filling your diet with fruits and vegetables is a surefire way to improve your heart health.
    • Fiber is your friend.
      • The benefits of fiber are numerous—lower risk of diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol and (of course) heart disease. Up your fruit and veggie and whole grain consumption to get more fiber in your diet.


  • Physical activity is non-negotiable in the pursuit of a healthy heart. Even adding a short walk to your daily routine can be beneficial. The hardest part is getting started. Hate running? There are a million different (healthy!) options out there: hula-hooping, dancing, rock climbing, jump roping, the list goes on and on. The key is to DO SOMETHING. An inactive lifestyle won’t do you any favors.
  • Work to cultivate positive associations with your chosen physical activity and equate exercise with reward: rewarding yourself and your heart!


  • Supplements:
    • Fish oil: there is strong evidence that adding the recommended dosage (not too much!) of fish oil can help prevent heart disease and is shown to lower high triglyceride levels. It can also help lower blood pressure.
    • Flaxseed: like fish oil, flaxseed contains omega-3s that can help your heart. There is evidence that flaxseed can help normalize your heartbeat.
  • Screenings:
    • Unfortunately, some people with heart disease can experience little or no symptoms. This is why I recommend having preventive screenings to detect hidden disease risks. Incorporating these health screenings can help avoid health problems later in life and give you a better understanding of your own health.

Following these basic guidelines is just the beginning of promoting a happy and healthy heart.  I hope you take these tips to heart (pun intended) and continue your own education in the pursuit of lifelong health and wellness.

Peace, love, and health,