Happy Anniversary! Three Years of Yoga for Healthy Aging

By Ninazolotow @Yoga4HealthyAge
by Nina

Sacher Torte with Cognac-Roasted Apricots
and Dark Chocolate Sorbet by Rosie Gibson

It’s our three-year anniversary today! Celebrate with us this year by enjoying a virtual dessert by my daughter Rosie Gibson and by listening again to "Float," one of my favorite songs by Flogging Molly (I love the video, too). I still think that the chorus for this song, “Ah but don't, don't sink the boat/That you built, you built to keep afloat,” works perfectly as a theme for this blog. That, and the ending to the song:
A ripe old age,
A ripe old age,
A ripe old age,
Just doing the best I can!
We’ve had a very productive third year! We now have 743 posts on the blog, covering a wide range of topics, including asana practice and individual poses, pranayama and meditation, stress management, aging theories, medical conditions, ayurveda, and yoga philosophy. If you are interested in reading earlier posts, you should know there are three different ways you can search the blog for particular topics (or authors). See How to Search for details on how to do so in our new format.
We had changes in our staff, too. Timothy McCall got married and stepped down from writing for our blog. We were sad to see him go but we're happy for him and his wonderful new wife, Eliana Moreira, who is also a yoga teacher and the director of the Simply Yoga Institute in Summit, New Jersey, where Timothy will be teaching. If you read his newsletter (sign up here), you'll know he's starting to work on some exciting new projects. Then we gained two new regular contributors, Shelly Prosko and Jill Satterfield. Shelly is physical therapist as well as a yoga teacher, and she has some special areas of expertise, such as urinary incontinence, that we were lacking (see To Leak or Not to Leak and Treatment of Incontinence), so it's great to have her on board. And Jill is Buddhist as well as a yoga teacher, so she contributes a very special perspective to our blog with her posts about using yoga to foster spiritual and emotional health (see Spiritual Sanity).
Our blog isn’t “monetized” so this means that our new contributors, as well as our ongoing staff (Baxter, Brad, Ram, Shari, Bridget, and me, the Editor in Chief), are doing this work out of love. I’m so grateful to be working with such an extraordinary group of people!
Finally, Baxter and I wrote a book proposal for a book on healthy aging this year, including a sample chapter about how yoga helps foster healthy aging. Unfortunately, we haven't found a publisher yet. And one publisher who seemed like a good match for us was intrigued by all the wonderful information we had but said in the end she felt we weren't well-known enough to bring a large audience along with us (that's what publishers seem to want from authors these days), so she decided to pass on it. That was kind of discouraging, I have to say. We're not writing to become famous; we're writing because we believe we have some very useful information to share! So here's my little pitch: if you'd like to see us publish a book on Yoga for Healthy Aging, do what you can to help us reach a wider audience. The more subscribers and hits our blog has, the more likely it is that a mainstream publisher will want to publish our book.
But also know that if the book never happens (I don't think we'll self publish for several reasons), we'll keep on blogging because we love sharing what we know, as well as learning from you, our readers. Ram recently wrote me "Yes, I do love writing articles for the blog. I am also a Pitta person so writing for the blog is now a part of my schedule and will require lot of reasoning to stop me from writing."
And, of course, we're grateful for and appreciate all the readers that we do have, and we always love hearing from you.
“Tomorrow smells of less decay
The flowers quick just bloom and fray
Be thankful, that's all you can” —Flogging Molly
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