Happiest I've Ever Been

By Shimmerofpink @shimmerofpink
Hellooo shimmers,
Happiest I've Ever Been. It is quite a statement to make, I know. But it is true. I am surrounded by the most amazing people and doing some amazing things. I found what makes me happy and what I love most and I'm sticking with it. Whether it is people or just life in general, everything puts a smile on my face.
We all go through struggles in life, but as Kelly Clarkson would say; what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! I just like many others had faced challenges in their lives, been around people who aren't good for us, but I have found me and I'm beginning to understand what I need in life and what makes me happy.
I have surrounded myself with people who are there for me and I'm there for them. I never feel alone. I couldn't ask for better friends and family. Through University I found a group of people who I will always love with all my heart for all the support they give me and the fantastic times we have.
I believe that things happen for a reason, and I knew there was reason that I picked this University.
I'm not a religious person, but I go to and help out at a charity for University students, mainly exchange student and so I help out too. The amazing people that run it are all christians and they are the most amazing people I have ever met, and I have met some amazing and best friends through them and including them <3
this post is slightly different to my usual post (which I have not been doing) but I wanted to share
Laura x