Hanging Out With The Brand That I Love Good hYOUman

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn

good YOUman has been one of my FAVORITE brands since I can even remember, and there is a reason for that.

If you haven’t heard of them, you must know the story behind the brand itself.

{ you can read the full story here }

good hYOUman was started by Brett Novek, and the company was started in memory of his dad, a man that he strives to be each and every day.


What I love about good hYOUman, is that there is a story behind every single thing that they represent. They want everything to have a message, or a voice of inspiration for others, and I think this is exactly what more of the world needs.

We need stories to be told that inspire us, make us feel courageous, and stories that will allow us to inspire others as well.

One of my favorite shirts of theirs is this one in particular, F*** BEING PERFECT, and I love the fact that the message is clearly written upside down.

This shirt serves as a strong message to me, and I can imagine to so many others because we do live in a world where sometimes we’re told that ‘the only way of living life, is to be perfect’, and that is not the case, especially for me, because I will NEVER be perfect, and neither will most of the population in this world.

{ you can buy the F*** BEING PERFECT leggings here }

Another one of my favorite shirts of theirs is their ‘PETS ARE PEOPLE TOO‘ shirt. This hits close to home for me, because I am animal obsessed, and have a few pets of my own…..

I believe that this shirt is sold out, but here are a few of my other favorite styles from them:





To shop good hYOUman click here