Handgun Safety 101

By Demi Mist @Beautyandmist

Americans have held the 2nd amendment right to bear arms as a sacred right since the birth of the country. If you are one of the millions of gun-owning Americans, you know that with that right comes a big responsibility to make sure that you practice firearm safety whether you're storing, carrying, or shooting your guns.

These rules are the cornerstone of safe handgun ownership and should be held in the same reverence as the right itself. If you do, or plan to, own a handgun make sure you're always staying safe and keeping those around you safe, as well.

1. Safe Storage

In your home or in your vehicle, your handgun should be stored safely and securely. Find a gun safe that you are comfortable with and lock up your firearm.

A good safe with a secure lock ensures that no unauthorized person can access your gun. There are combination models, fingerprint lock options, portable lockbox options, and many more. There is no excuse to leave your gun in the open and unattended for any amount of time.

2. Safe Carrying

Whether you live in an open-carry state or have your concealed carry permit, it is vital that you practice safe carrying to avoid accidental injuries to you or someone around you.

Carry your handgun without a chambered round and the likelihood of an accidental firing will be significantly diminished. Beyond that, consider your holster. You should know that your holster will keep your firearm secure, even in a tough situation. Test it out. You should also check to be sure that your holster completely covers the trigger to avoid any issues.

Stick with well-known brands like Desantis holsters or Blackhawk holsters to ensure that they are well-built for your carrying needs.

3. Safe Usage

When at the range or in the field, there are some basic rules to always keep in mind. The first is muzzle discipline. In short, never point your firearm at anything you aren't ready to shoot - ever, and not even for a moment.

The second is known as trigger discipline. This rule says that you should not put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire. Your trigger finger should stay outside of the trigger guard or on the slide of your gun until then.

Finally, keep your gun unloaded and the safeties on until you are ready to shoot. This includes the magazine and the slide chamber. Check both before handling your handgun to avoid any potential accidents.

When you practice gun safety, you help to ensure the continued access to firearms for your fellow Americans. Take these very serious steps to be sure that you and your loved ones will stay safe.