Guo Pei may be best known as the designer behind the show stopping canary yellow gown that Rihanna wore to last year's Met Gala and she also created this spectacularly eye catching gold lamé dress on display at the China: Through The Looking Glass exhibition. The Chinese couturier who has worked in the fashion industry for 30 years just showed for the first time at Paris Couture Week. The presentation set against a backdrop of of a royal Chinese courtyard opened with a dazzling crystal embroidered guipure lace gown. The rest of her lavish collection featured dresses and whimsical separates with exquisite embroideries and sumptuous embellishments. The feminine designs took inspiration from her Chinese heritage with details like Mandarin collars and both qipao and hanfu styled silhouettes in combination with a distinctly Western aesthetic. Haute couture may not be something most of us will ever get to wear but it's nice to admire the art and craftsmanship. What do you think of this collection? Any standouts?
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