Guest Post-

By Iheartmexo @iheartmexoxo
Hey guys, 
So today I have a guest post for you guys by the very lovely Islaay. Her blog is one of my favorites! I hope you guys enjoy this post! :)

Hey everyone, it's Islay here from Islaay!
Hareem asked me last week if I wanted to do a guest post for her and of course I said yes! I really didn't know what to do so in the end I decided on a post showing you how I clean my makeup brushes!

Anywaaaay, a bit of an introduction to me and my blog- I'm called Islay and I'm 16 (17 in a week or two- ooooh!) and from England. My blog is mainly beauty and fashion based with a bit of nail art, cooking and random other posts thrown in!

I think the photos are pretty self explanatory but here’s what I do!The only product I use is the Johnsons baby shampoo- I use this because it’s more gentle and doesn't have the harsh chemicals in which normal shampoos do so it’s not as harsh on the bristles and doesn't damage them. I dilute it half and half with water too because it means it foams up better and it goes a lot further!Firstly I run my brush under cold water to get all the bristles wet
Then I put about a teaspoon of the diluted shampoo into the palm of my hand
Next swirl the bristles of the brush in the shampoo so that it lathers up and really gets between the bristles
Then run the brush under the tap and get all the shampoo back out
I like to repeat the last two steps to make sure all the makeup is out of it!
Make sure all of the shampoo is rinsed from the brush as you don’t want to end up with it on your face when you try to use them next!
Finally dry it off with a towel by swirling it in circular motions until it looks fluffy
Leave it for around 18 hours to dry (if you do it at lunch time on Monday it should be dry by Tuesday morning depending on how dense the bristles are!)
I can’t stress more how important keeping our brushes/makeup sponges clean is! You should ideally clean your foundation brush daily (I tend to do mine every 2-3 days because I’m lazy) and eyeshadow/blush/powder etc brushes I usually do once a week!I hope you liked the tutorial and please check out my blog for more posts!

Thankyou very much for this guest post Islaay! It was great!I hope you guys liked this post and if you would like to guest post for me, do email me please! (or tweet me @iheartmexoxo)I want to do two guest posts every month!Hareem x