Guest Post: By Emma Banks: Tips For Great Looking Skin During Spring

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn

There is something that I haven’t done in a very long time, that I would love to get started again, dun…dun…dun…GUEST POSTING!

A very sweet, lovely girl by the name of Emma Bank’s recently reached out to me, and admitted to me how much she love’s reading Chiffon Souffle, and how much she would actually love to be a contributor, so I figured that I better get back into the swing of things again with guest posts!

{ If you would like to be a guest contributor on Chiffon Souffle, please email Hi@ChiffonSouffle.Com }

Key Tips For Great Looking Skin

By: Emma Banks

Spring is well, occurring now, so it is time to break out the shorts and sandals.

Every year around this time though I am reminded of how much of a beating my skin takes.  No one wants to have cracked dry skin in the warm months and now is the perfect time to make sure you can avoid that.

Most people rely on topical skincare treatments to attain healthy skin, and these products can help but many people overlook the most important factor about these actual products. The things you put in your body are equally, if not more important to your skins health and overall natural glow.

If you really want to keep your skin looking young, clear and properly moisturized, you need to be getting the right nutrients and hydration, take care of your diet and the rest will follow with no problem.

Here are a few tips for getting your diet on track for great looking skin this spring:

What To Drink For Great Skin


+ Your body needs plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. Remaining properly hydrated is crucial to keeping your skin from getting dry and cracked, especially in dying winter months.

People say that 8 cups of water a day is the proper amount to drink and although, this can be a little difficult to sometimes keep track of, what I like to do is set alarms for myself.

During the day I have alarms go off sporadically to remind me of when I need to have a certain number of cups drank by. My co-workers usually make fun of me when I fall behind and viciously start chugging water, but I can already see the difference in my skin, just in that short amount of time.

Drinking green tea also promotes good-looking skin health. In addition, it provides excellent hydration, as green tea contains essential antioxidants for your body. These antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals in your body and fight the effects of aging.

How To Get Antioxidants For Great Skin


+ Green tea isn’t the only way to get plenty of antioxidants though. Blueberries also contain oodles of antioxidants, and if you’re a simple-thinker, like I am, you can add them to cereal and salads or eat them alone as a healthy snack.Many other fruits also contain large quantities of antioxidants.

To incorporate more fruit into your diet on a regular basis, you can pack fruit as a snack to take along to work with you or just enjoy a lovely fresh fruit smoothie for breakfast in the morning. My sister in law is a wizard in the kitchen and makes a wonderful, tangy fruit salsa, which I am in love with.

Why You Need Healthy Fat for Great Skin

+ Simply drinking plenty of water won’t keep your skin properly moisturized, if you

are not consuming enough healthy fats. Fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, will provide excellent moisture for the skin without clogging the actual pores and Omega-3 helps rejuvenate dull, dry skin from the inside.

Another great source for Omega-3 fats is flax. Flax is an ingredient in breakfast cereal, but can be used in a variety of other ways. I personally like taking a small spoonful of flax and sprinkling it over my yogurt in the morning.

While the use of topical creams, facial scrubs and astringents are important parts of a complete skincare routine, the things you put into your body can have even more influence on the health of your skin. Getting plenty of water and eating a healthy, well-balanced diet will help your skin maintain its youthful radiance.

Wouldn’t it be great to start looking younger, by doing nothing more than adding healthy food to your diet? 

By: Emma Banks