Guest Post: Be Smart: Healthy Living Is In

Posted on the 09 December 2014 by Pranab @Scepticemia

This is a guest post by Darrell J. Hunt. Hope you enjoy it.

Living a healthy lifestyle can add years to your life and increase happiness. Make these six healthy lifestyle choices habits that will benefit you for a lifetime.

Eat More Fruits, Vegetables, and Whole Grains

A healthy diet should include a wide range of foods, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It’s best to limit the amount of fat and sugar that you eat. If most of your food comes from plants, then you’re probably doing it right.

Also, don’t rely on supplements to make you healthy. You can use supplements to add extra vitamins and minerals, but nothing can replace a healthy diet.

Find a Rewarding Career

People with rewarding careers often experience less negative stress than those who dislike going to work. Researchers find that up to 90 percent of doctor’s office visits come from people experiencing ailments caused by stress. That’s a serious reason to explore career options in areas such as:

  • healthcare
  • social work
  • education
  • counseling
  • software design

If you’re interested in healthcare and information technology, consider nursing informatics programs that combine these fields to offer patients better quality.

Exercise Every Day

Daily exercise offers a growing list of health benefits, including better eyesight and stronger bones. Exercising doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to head to the gym every day for an hour of intense physical training. A 10-minute walk around your neighborhood is a great way for most people to introduce more activity to their lives.

As your health improves, you may decide to exercise more, but you can still choose low-impact, enjoyable workouts.

Floss Your Teeth Every Day

You can’t live a healthy lifestyle while neglecting oral hygiene. Gum disease actually increases your risk of heart disease. If you floss daily, you’ll get rid of the food particles and bacteria that cause gum disease. That can add years to your life. Plus, you’ll have a healthy smile and avoid oral pain.

Go to Sleep!

Between work, family, and fun, it’s hard to find enough hours in the day. Sacrificing sleep to make your day a few hours longer, however, won’t add time to your life. Your body needs at least six hours of sleep to repair itself and prepare for the next day. You also need at least six hours of sleep for your brain to process the day’s events.

After a good night’s rest, you’ll feel healthier, and you’ll become more efficient. Those who prefer to stay up late rarely benefit in the long run.

Stay in Contact with Friends and Family

Humans are social creatures that need to spend time connected with friends and family. People who feel isolated from their social networks not only experience more stress than those who stay connected, they also tend to have other unhealthy habits, such as using tobacco, overeating, and drinking too much alcohol.

Find supportive people who will encourage you to make healthy lifestyle choices. They can make your life and health better.

Do you struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle, or have you already added healthy habits to your life?