Guess What i Did Tonight? (prepare to Be Jealous)

By Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books
So a couple of weeks ago I was browsing Chapters, and I saw a contest to win passes to an advance screening of The Fault In Our Stars in my town. I entered, you know, just for the heck of it. And then promptly forgot all about it.
Then on Monday an email lands in my inbox saying I won something. Having forgotten the contest, I thought it was spam. I was about to delete it when I figured, well, might as well open it just to see what they're trying to con me into thinking I've won this time.
Turns out, I actually did win - and I won something awesome! I got to be one of the first to see the movie based on one of my favorite books. That's right, I went to see The Fault In Our Stars on the big screen!
In case you live under a rock and aren't familiar with the movie, watch this:

I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone, so I won't say too much about it. I will say that I'm not easy to impress. I am particularly hard on movies based on books, because I tend not to trust my favorite characters in Hollywood hands.
But this impressed me. Sure, it wasn't exactly what I imagined as I was reading. And no, Ansel Egort wasn't what I pictured for Augustus. But you know what? By halfway through this movie the images I had in my head from reading the book had been seamlessly overwritten by the movie - and I didn't even mind.
Neither, apparently, did anyone else in the theater. There was clapping, there was laughter... and there were tears. Oh god, were there tears. Never have I been in room with so many people ugly crying simultaneously. Which I think tells you pretty much everything you need to know.
I'd like to thank Chapters and Penguin for the chance to sneak a peek at this film!