Gübelin Academy Offers Its Coloured Gem Professional Level 2 Also in Chinese

By A Beauty Feature @abeautyfeature

Gübelin Academy now offers its Coloured Gem Professional Level 2 also in Chinese. For the first time, Gübelin Academy’s Coloured Gem Professional Level 2 class will be taught in Cantonese and Mandarin. Gübelin Academy is expanding its offers to share its knowledge of gemmology and its passion for gems in Asia.

Gübelin Academy offers its Coloured Gem Professional Level 2 also in Chinese

Hong Kong – Level 2 in Cantonese

From 16 to 20 October 2017 the Level 2 class of the Coloured Gem Professional will be held in Cantonese. The course takes place in the home of the Academy in Hong Kong at the Gloucester Tower, The Landmark. It is the very first time that the Level 2 class is offered in another language than English.

Shanghai – Level 2 in Mandarin

Within less than a year, six Level 1 classes were taught in Mandarin in Shanghai. Following this success, the Gübelin Academy now provides also the Level 2 course in Mandarin. From 14 to 18 November 2017 the Level 2 class takes place in the Bund area.

Coloured Gem Professional

The Coloured Gem Professional is created as a series of modular programmes with increasing levels from 1 to 3. The three level of courses culminate in a Gübelin Coloured Gem Professional certificate. Through knowledgeable, passionate and inspiring teaching, Gübelin Academy offers a unique fast-track training into the wonderful world of coloured gems, focusing on the practical and emotional aspects of emeralds, rubies and sapphires.

Level 2

The Level 2 class is part of the Coloured Gem Professional programme. Continuing in the modular fast-track format, the class deals with the details of the physical, chemical and optical properties of the “Big Three” in five days. With a combination of detailed course material and practical sessions, students understand emeralds, rubies and sapphires from a deeper perspective. They explore their origins and treatments; the mystery of light and certain optical effects; formation, mining, production and sales. Also students learn to look with a loupe like a professional, examining the interior of these gems together with trained gemmologist instructors. They also awarded a certificate of attendance upon completion of the Level 2. Successful completion of Level 1 is required to attend Level 2.