Growing Up -Yesterday We Celebrated Our Son’s 2nd Birthday!!!

By Finallygrowingup @mordechaikashuk

You know, it’s amazing really. We are told our entire lives that once we have children the time will simply fly by, and it will feel as though we have no idea where it has gone. And while intellectually, you know it is true, and fully comprehend the concept, it truly is not until you actually have a child that it hits you where it hurts.

We have discussed before that the older one gets, the faster time seems to go. But what we have not discussed, is that although we internalize this process sometime in our teens as summer breaks begin to seem shorter and shorter, it does not truly start until we have a child.

Our son was born on August 1st, 2009, and now what for me is two very quick years later, my wife and I have a little man living in our house with us! A little man with his own preferences, opinions, and needs.  A little man who will walk up to us after we finish eating a piece of fruit, say, put his hand out for our used paper towel, crumple it up and deposit it in the trash bin without even being asked!

We didn’t teach him this, this, he learned himself through the observation and replication of our own behaviors, which he has done with so very many things. This is a boy, who after he had dumped all of his toys on the floor to play, will pick up every last one, and put it in its place, when he simply hears, will you please clean up now, we have to leave in a few minutes. Then after he cleans up, appears in front of us with a t-shirt, a pair of shorts socks, a pair of shoes, a diaper and wipes, so that we can change, clean, and dress him in advance of our departure.

This little two-year old man! Oy, how he melts our hears and inspires us anew on a daily, and often momentary basis! Being a parent is a phenomenal thing, and yet truly indescribable to one who has not yet achieved that milestone in their lives.

We had an extra surprise this year. Yesterday evening my parents arrived to celebrate our son’s birthday with us, and for a general visit. What a treat, to see them interact with them, live-and-in-person, when the last time he was with them was last Pesach.  We have, B”H had many Skype calls and phone calls since then, but they have been grandma and grandpa, the people “in the box” (computer) since. I wish I had captured the look on his face when he saw them as they opened their hotel room door last night.  We have been discussing for some time that they were coming to visit, but is was blatantly clear that he had not quite understood what that meant until yesterday.

So after some warming up, a small celebratory dinner out, replete with a birthday desert, he was ready to give kisses as we were leaving their hotel at around 9:00 pm last night. Oh, what a joyous and wonderful occasion!  Hashem allowing us to all be together for this milestone!

All I can say at this point is this, wait until you are well and true ready to have a child, because; a. once you do your life will be changed forever in both incredible and challenging ways, and b. once you have them, they are yours and you will never be able to give them back.

So, long story short, BY”H, and Amen to that!…