We were recently asked by one of our clients if we could assist them with putting together a couple of hair removal marketing ideas that center around more humorous strategies. We thought that this might make for a fun article! It is always a good idea to take a healthy look at how your campaigns run. Sometimes a little dose of humor can make all the difference in the world and ignite a smile that generates real brand-loyalty.
Hair Removal Marketing Ideas
Boosting Engagement On Facebook
One way to start getting more activity on Facebook is by posting funny pictures (obviously!) or funny videos that convey the feeling you get after a treatment. However, this might just get you a few likes.
If you really want people to interact with your business, it is much better to put up posts that encourage engagement. For example, why not post a funny picture related to hair removal and invite people to add their own captions? You could even make a competition out of it and reward the best answer with a prize. Here is a good example of a caption contest picture:
Or recently, we posted this adorable video with the caption “Tag a beloved client of yours who hasn’t been in a while
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Another way of kick-starting user engagement on your Facebook page is to post a question and provide responses in the form of A, B, C or D. You’ll be amazed at how many people will comment on an image when they can easily choose from a series of options. Take this one for example (in fact, use it on your page if you want):
The image itself comes from the Bliss Spa brand. It gives a variety of different bikini waxing options, and we have added the multiple choices. This could make for a potentially engaging post by just asking people: “Which style do you prefer: A, B, C, D or E?“
Email Hair Removal Marketing Campaign Ideas
Instead of sending the same old-fashioned newsletters each week, why not spice up your email marketing campaigns with something fun & fresh? When your clients receive an email from you most of the time, they have a pretty good idea of what the contents of the message are before they even open it.
Why not challenge their expectations? Put things in your email that will make them curious about the next one.
If you were feeling creative and adventurous, you could always tell a little story in each email. A funny story or anecdote where the moral is always going to be that being too hairy is not such a great thing. The amazing Linda Mullen, from Oceana Treatment Rooms rocks at this. Check out the stories she shared with us here. We do advise being careful of course. No names mentioned, nothing confidential. Just the overall gist of how one can avoid a particular incident with quick waxing.
By trying to think outside-of-the-box with your email marketing, you will provide your clients with something new and unexpected. This is how you are going to get clients to open your emails each time you send them.
Fine Tuning Your SMS Campaigns
SMS marketing is one of the most powerful ways of getting your message out there, but perhaps your text message marketing could use a little fine tuning. Here is an example of a successful SMS message that received a very positive response:
<Client first name> To celebrate the kids going back to school we’re offering a fantastic 3 for 2 Sale in Waxing – book 3 areas and get the cheapest free! One week only on 015446664
However, please note that SMS marketing isn’t just about the words. It’s about timing and targeting. So the best way to maximise your SMS marketing is to determine who you are talking to and know when to send out the texts.
If you’d like further help in this area and are a Phorest client, why not contact our Grow Team at growteam@phorest.com? They’ll help you get the very most out of your next campaign!
Ambient Marketing / Advertising
Ambient marketing is a creative way of promoting your brand by placing ads on unusual items or in unexpected places. An ambient ad doesn’t have to be outside; it can be found anywhere and everywhere and is a hugely popular and effective way of attracting attention to your brand.
However, it can be much more than simply sticking up a poster. The key to a successful ambient media campaign is to choose the best media format available, combined with an effective hair removal marketing message. It could be of immense benefit to come up with a clever, original & unique way to use your city as a way of promoting your brand.
Click to view slideshow.Or perhaps take it to the street with a couple of cameras and get the pedestrians involved:
So there you have it. Fresh hair removal marketing ideas that should help to get more hairy individuals walking through your doors!
For additional help with your Facebook marketing, why not sign up to Phorest Academy’s next Facebook Masterclass?
Thanks for reading,