Graham Cracker Cream Pie

By Mani Mukhija @manimukhija
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Grandma's Graham Cracker Cream Pie is a family recipe everyone in the Kling family looks forward to for over 63 years. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas my mom made this recipe from the handwritten recipe card from her mother, my Grandma Winn.

The pie begins with a homemade graham cracker crust, which is then filled with a golden layer of custard and topped with soft-as-clouds meringue. Mom would always sprinkle a bit of graham cracker on top and keep the pie cool in the fridge with a plate over top until it was time for dessert. The best part is when you bite into it and it almost melts in your mouth. The flavor is creamy, light and not overly sweet.

Graham Cracker Cream Pie is one way I stay connected to my Grandma Winn and my mom, Marion Kling, since she died two years ago. Now, I'm carrying on the tradition. It hasn't been easy. The first time I tried to make the pie, the custard was like soup. (We ate it anyway because it still tasted good.) I've finally perfected the recipe with a custard that sets immediately. I've even made mini pies. Believe me, we never have leftovers!

What you Need for the Crust: 3 Cups Graham Crackers 1/2 Cup of Melted Butter 1/4 Cup of Sugar Dash of Cinnamon 1 Tablespoon of Flour Custard: 12 Egg Yolks 1 Cup of Sugar 4 Teaspoons of Vanilla 6 Tablespoons of Corn Starch 1/2 teaspoon of Salt 8 Cups of Milk Meringue: 12 Egg Whites 6 Tablespoons of Sugar Methods: Mix all ingredients for the crust in a bowl, keeping about 1 tablespoon aside for top of pie. Divide crust mixture into two 9 inch pie pans, pressing the mixture into the pans with a spoon, or glass. Bake pie pans in a 375 degree oven for 8 minutes. Let cool. Custard: Mix egg yolks, corn starch and two cups of milk until the corn starch has dissolved. Add vanilla. Place remainder of milk along with the sugar and salt in a saucepan. Stirring to dissolve the sugar. Add the egg yolk/corn starch mixture into saucepan, cooking on medium heat. Stirring constantly Custard is done when you can run a spoon along the another spoon and the custard does not run together. Split custard in half and pour into each graham cracker crust. Meringue: Beat Egg Whites and Sugar till it forms soft peaks. Spread on top of cooled custard, sprinkle the 1 tablespoon of graham cracker crust that you kept back. Cook in a 325 degree oven until tips of meringue has turned gold brown. Chill pie, best served 24-48 hours after you make.