
By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

I can’t refuse this.

Because I AM grateful that I’ve only been subjected to previews and parodies of Twilight.

That aside, I’m feeling particularly grateful about a lot of things.  Such as

I am so damn lucky to be a business owner.

In my life there have been so many experiences – several college degrees, countless jobs, health issues, etc. – that introduced me to the people and ideas that got me where I am today.

While my life isn’t perfect, in a way it is.

Because it’s exactly what is needed in order to get me to the next phase.

I hope you’ve been following along the Revv It Up series so far – and I hope it’s helping you get motivated for 2013.

But beyond reviewing, dreaming and planning for your awesome future [in Life + Business] it’s also so important to appreciate all that you have now.

  • If your business is a full time gig (regardless of your financial sitch) – you are really friggin’ lucky.

  • If you have a loving partner, a best friend or a cuddly pet – cheers to you!

  • If you randomly meet someone interesting at a coffee shop –  you have been blessed.

So please, take a quiet moment to yourself (sans family at the dinner table) and state your Gratitudes  Not only will it make you feel grounded and satisfied

…it will start a shift in your world that will, I promise, become a catalyst for wonderful things in 2013.

I’ll see you back here next week, where we’ll be setting clear and defined goals for next year. Get the complete series delivered to your inbox!