GOSH - Fresh Up! Dry Shampoo Review

By Ireviewuread

Dry Shampoos, the only hair care product which could be the savior or the executioner of your hair depending on how you use. I’ve got to say, I’ll call myself a rookie when it comes to using dry shampoos. Not because I don’t need them but because I never really find the time to get them.

Till, one day my mother have had enough of staring at my greasy, messy, flat piece of mane which I like to address as my Hair and bought me a can of GOSH - Fresh Up! Dry Shampoo.

Although she’ll never see this, but Thanks Mother. 

Basically, what GOSH - Fresh up! Dry shampoo aim to do is to 

  • Absorb excess oil, products and stop your hair from being this huge blob of grease. 
  • Have your hair be soft, clean and refreshed at the same time. 
  • Voluminous your hair

With that said, it’s no doubt that I have high expectations of the dry shampoo; Expecting my hair be like: 

Original picture taken from: Source

Of course, things does not always go as planned. In fact it looked more like: 

Original picture taken from: Source

Time to touch on it in details: 

  • Scent 

Typical dry shampoo smell. Quite aromatic and bearable considering you have to smell that scent for the whole day, with your hair stuck to the sides of your face.

  • Texture of Hair After Spraying 

As expected, my hair immediately turn dry after a few sprays. However, at the same time, it became rather solid. It’s like I sprayed a layer of hair spray instead of dry shampoo.

  • Volumizing

On the bright side, I did manage to get voluminous hair after spraying and massaging the powder in. 

On the dark side, that beautifully volumized hair lasted about an hour, two tops. Not so good. 

  • Grease

Having a naturally oily scalp and a lazy habit of sleeping immediately after washing my hair, it’s no surprise that I’ll wake up with a head full of “oil” more often then I like to admit. Thus, it’s rather important that I get something to degrease my hair quickly before I head out.

I’ve got to say, I was rather disappointed. I felt that the effects of degreasing my hair varies. Some of the time, my hair did manage to be de-greased for about an hour or so and back to it’s greasy state it goes. While other times, no matter how much I spray, my hair still remained “wet” and refuse to turn “dry”! I can smell the product there but I just see no after effects. 

In conclusion, I’ve got to say, I’m rather discontented with the results of GOSH - Fresh up! Dry shampoo. Instead of being the instant solution to my greasy flat hair. It became a hot mess. The grease stays and my hay stack’s flatness comes back after two hours. The only thing that is consistent about this product is it’s smell and texture of being hair-spray like. 

All in al, I’ll give it 1 IreviewUread smile.

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