Goodbye Google Reader. - Edited & An Apology.

By Brightowngirl @Brightowngirl
EDIT : So I have had this explained to me a little more and would like to apologize as I have got slightly confused. I always thought google reader was what came up on your dashboard but it isn't, so gfc won't be made redundant as the blogs you follow will still show up on your dashboard. Saying that there is plans to get rid of gfc in the future so I have still transferred all the blogs I read over to bloglovin, I prefer using that to be honest anyway. 
I really do apologize if I caused anyone any worry or announce, but I know I wasn't the only one who thought this. I think that google maybe should explain them selves more maybe as there is a lot of tech novices like myself who don't fully understand these things.
Also I know this whole thing has snowed ball on twitter but those of you that are getting annoyed on twitter about people panicking maybe you should explain to them as they obviously don't fully understand like I didn't. 
I hope I haven't offended anyone that's the last thing I would want to do. 
So it was announced yesterday that Google are getting rid of google reader from the 1st July. If you want to read the article its here.
Those of you that don't know what google reader is, its the basically what most blogspot blogs use to follow blogs. Its the thing that shows up on your blogger dashboard that shows you all the blogs you follow through Google Friend Connect. So basically making Google Friend connect redundant. (I am not a wizz at thise kind of stuff so sorry if this doesn't make sense)
Basically that little widget in my sidebar you see that says Join This Site with google Friend Connect will be gone and the blogs you follow through it will no longer show up on your dashboard when you log in.
I know a lot of you, like me have the majority of your readers follow you through GFC so I think it will effect a lot of us.
We are all going to be in the same boat here with loosing google reader and I plan to spend a few hours following the blogs I love on different platforms. Probably Bloglovin as I like using that. We have 3 months to gain our readership on different platforms so at least we have been giving notice. 
So what I am asking is, if you do follow me through GFC would you mind switching over to either Bloglovin, Hello Cotton or Google +? You can also follow me on Twitter and Facebook where I always share my new blog posts everyday.
I would really appreciate this, I wouldn't want to loose any of you. You guys have made my blog what it is.
I loved to hear your thoughts on this below?