Goodbye Google Reader

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

I do not like change. I'll deal with it. But it frustrates me and it stresses me out, even though in most cases the end result is beautiful. When Google announced the other day that they were discontinuing Google Reader I had a fit, a literal fit, I through an adult temper tantrum. Google Reader is how I have been reading all the hundreds of blogs I follow. Immediately after the announcement, it seemed like every other Reader service's website was overloaded, which made finding a replacement hard in the beginning. 

But, I've found it. I am officially moving to Bloglovin'. It has a nice interface and it's easy to add blogs to follow. You can also follow my blog on Bloglovin if you were following it with Google Reader previously. 

I am taking this Reader transition as an opportunity to clean up my blog subscriptions. Instead of importing them all over, I'm adding them one by one, to ensure that I only have blogs that still interest me on my list. 

Did you find yourself thrown for a loop at Google's announcement? What Reader service are you switching to?