Goodbye Flirty Thirties Hello Fabulous Forty

By Shauntee @shaunteebattie

Live, Laugh, Love, Shop

Goodbye Flirty Thirties Hello Fabulous Forty

Yesterday, I said goodbye to my flirty thirties and hello to my fabulous forties. In case you missed it, yesterday was my birthday. Last week, I was in my feelings about turning 40. I had such a fabulous time my thirties; I didn’t want to say goodbye or age another year. Time is moving fast. The older I get; the faster time flies. My feelings sparked my post from a few weeks ago Keep Calm I’m Turning 40.

I spent most of my twenties married, and most of my thirties divorced. In all honestly, my life didn’t start until thirty. Don’t get me wrong I had fun during my twenties, but I made lasting memories in my thirties. I reconnected with old friends, gained new friends, bought my first home, started this blog, traveled frequently, and officially became a grown up. Of course, I had my share of not so happy moments, but everyone has them. We go to bed and get up with a fresh start leaving the previous day worries behind. I became more adventurous, tried new foods, learned how to cook new foods, found my passions, and decided to no longer give a damn about petty issues or what someone thinks of me.

As I say hello to fabulous forty, I’m keeping an open mind and remaining true to the phrase “living out loud”. Life is too short to live any other way. I encourage everyone to live life without regrets and to do the things you love, as well as, the things that may scare you. Throw caution to the wind, step out on faith, and know that if it doesn’t work out; at least you know you tried.

I’m kicking off my forties by doing what I do best; travel. I am leaving for Europe in two days and spending ten beautiful days traveling through Spain.

If you’ve visited Spain before, I would appreciate some suggestions on places to eat and things to do besides the touristy stuff.

Much Love,
