Goodbye, 2014!

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

I started this year greeting 2014 with a hearty hello, and I’m sure glad I did. It’s been a pretty great year, both personally and for this here blog. I thought I’d take this, the last day of this fine December, to reflect on the year and see how I did with my 2014 resolutions. 

Resolution #1 was to think more positively. This is a resolution I have every year, as I think it is something I can always improve upon. I’ve had my ups and downs with this one. The beginning of the year was particularly tough for me, but I think I’ve been on the bright side of things a lot more lately. I like the bright side. I think I’ll stay here! 

Resolution #2 was to run 2,014 kilometers in 2014. I failed pretty epically on that front, but not for lack of trying. A running injury and having to miss a few races set me back significantly. I actually see this injury as a blessing in disguise (look at that; it’s positivity!), for had I not had to refrain from running for a bit, I may never have taken up weight lifting. Strength training is a new sweaty love of mine and is one of the main things that made me want to become a certified personal trainer. So no, I may not have run as much as I was planning, but it was still a pretty bad ass year fitness wise, and I still managed to get in some pretty great runs and races, including my first Spartan Race (and my first marathon and a half marathon PR – nbd). Oh, hey, speaking of Spartan Races, did you see the Spartan Race GIVEAWAY I have going on? No? What are you waiting for? Get your butt over there. 

Last but not least, I resolved to decorate more for the holidays like my mom always did growing up. How’d I do, you ask?

NAILED IT! I decorated for Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah. I’ll have to tackle July 4th in 2015!

What’s in store for 2015? You’ll just have to come back to find out! 

So long 2014; it’s been a great year. Now it’s time for new challenges; a new year is here!…
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In the meantime, have a safe and happy New Year’s Eve, my fit and focused friends! 

Let’s Chat:
How’d you do with your 2014 resolutions?
Any fun New Year’s Eve plans?