Goodbye 2012, You Have Been Amazing!

By Cinnamonspring @CinnaSpring

Today is the 31st of December 2012, marking the end of another year! Even though I only started this blog 8 months ago in May but I have gotten to know so many cool and inspiring bloggers it really does make you feel like a community. Some of my readers may have known me longer than this blog so I also want to thank you for reading and popping a comment here and there! :D Once the blog turns 1 I will hold a special giveaway – this is my own motivation so that I don’t stop being creative!

I am so very thankful for everything that has happened to me the past 12 months. The ok moments, the amazing moments, even the bad moments! Nothing has happened by luck, by chance or by fate as I know that God directs and determines my steps. The struggles, the failures – all necessary in shaping me into a stronger person. The joy, the happiness and the successes this past year have also been immensely gratifying. Truly it has been a mixed kind of year but here I am, still very much alive so I thank God for that.

Here are some of my highlights of the year in no particular order:

#1 A Curtsy For Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II

Oh yes I did! Back in June 2012, I and other barristers-to-be (Bar students) from Lincoln’s Inn had an advocacy weekend retreat (not) at Cumberland Lodge; which is an educational charity in the middle of the Great Park, Windsor. The same grounds that the Queen resides at some months of the year which is in Windsor Castle! The Queen who is a Patron there frequents the grounds to the Royal Chapel on Sundays for a Church of England service.

That weekend I was there, word came around that the Queen might be at the Royal Chapel for Sunday service! Of course, some preferred to stay back at Cumberland Lodge but I went because I attend church anyway. There was strict security, we were not allowed to bring any handphones or cameras into the grounds so we left it back in our rooms. Of course, by this time we were not sure if the Queen would actually be there!

The inside of the Royal Chapel is somewhat small, for someone like the Queen to regularly attend. As us students, barristers and other members of Lincoln’s Inn were seated I couldn’t help but notice a policeman (in normal clothing) sitting on my right. So I asked him this: Morning! So…what is a policeman doing here in church? Policeman: Well, the Queen likes close security. Me: …what?? The Queen’s here???? *insert nearly hysteric whispers* You’re lying! Policeman: *laughs* If you get out early later, you just might catch her!

I really didn’t believe him, until I walked out after the service and there.she.was. THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND!! Us Bar Students were introduced to her and we split into two lines for her to walk pass. She gave us her best wishes in our Bar studies and gave each and everyone a smile and nod! She has her biggest smile on, and can I say that her skin looks amazing?! Ahhh it was a celebrity moment! She was literally only 2 feet away from me, and the most natural thing was to do a curtsy. Oops. The Queen was most gracious, and she was decked top to bottom in pink! Pink hat, pink dress, pink bag…oh it was too cute.

After the whole commotion, Lincoln’s Inn-goers started heading back to Cumberland Lodge. As we were walking towards the gate, suddenly came the call: Step aside! The Queen! So we did. Then as we watched the royal entourage drive past, we couldn’t help but gawk at the Queen’s dark green hunchback Jaguar. SHE WAS AT THE WHEEL! The Queen. Driving one-handed. Her bodyguard having a good laugh next to her.

Too.awesome. Totally made my 4 years in UK!

#2 Spending More Time For DIY

DIY has pretty much saved my sanity at times, especially going through a particularly difficult and challenging year. It’s always satisfying to create something that you can appreciate and also be appreciated by others! It has been a fun learning process, and I do enjoy selling and giving my handmade goodies as presents too! I hope to be more creative in the following year and share them to you To see some of my easy peasy DIY tutorials, click here!

#3 My Likeness Made Into A Game Character For “Shiftling”

This game called ‘Shiftling’ by Team Sprocket, is the brainchild of a long-time friend of mine; Tristan. They are based also on Borneo Island, specifically in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah! I was honoured that my likeness was made into one of the main characters (seen above) I find the game interesting because it has drawn inspiration from Malaysian culture and folklore, while giving it a very modern look and feel. There are going to be great things ahead of this and I hope to share it with you very soon! The game is due to be released in the Fall of 2014 (not too long now!) so mark your diaries!

#4 Getting Through Bar School

I’ll be honest and say that Bar school was wayy tougher than Law school. Unfortunately the Bar (BPTC) is automatically recognised in Malaysia unlike the LPC (the route to being a solicitor) where one has to secure a training contract with a solicitor firm first. That is the reason why you’d see more Malaysians doing the Bar even if they do not intend to practice as a barrister because Malaysia practices a fused system and not a separate system like in the UK.

Basically, Bar School was fun but challenging in a nutshell. There were sleepless nights from daily deadlines and lots of tears (from feeling useless). Oh, lots. It did toughen me up though, and the skills you learn on the Bar course like advocacy is priceless. I’m not familiar on how they teach the students in Malaysia but I am sure it is not as practical as the way the UK Bar course is laid out. I also made great friends on the Bar course because it was so intense! All I can say that is…thank you God for everything!

#5 Visiting More Of Europe

I used to travel quite a bit during my undergraduate days but during the Bar course I had limited time. I did manage to slip in a eurotrip before flying back to Borneo though!

  • Budapest, Hungary
  • Vienna, Austria
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • Llubjana, Slovenia
  • Trieste & Venice, Italy

#6 Edinburgh Fringe Festival

The biggest arts festival in the WORLD! I saw so many acts, and had a fantastic time. If you are ever in Edinburgh during the summer (July-August) you must not miss this! See all my entries on the festival here Meeting ‘The Blanks’ was especially memorable too

#7 Partying Off The Coast Of Trieste, Italy!

Taking a boat to head to this manmade island just to party in Italy’s furthest region is TOO COOL. Look at the view of Trieste behind us! Thank you chicas for making it a fun night The open-air club is called LaDiGa if you wanted to know!

#8 Production Team Of A Fashion Show In Perth, Australia

I still have not written about my experience as part of the production team for my sister-in-law’s (SIL) fashion show in Perth, Australia earlier this month! Important paper in hand (I was the cue ‘manager’ on stage), and wearing a design from the collection! They are rebranding, and when that comes about I will blog more about it! It was a lot of work (like Bar school) but so much more fun. I even liked the stress Like my fashionista SIL has said: Lawyer with a passion for fashion!

So those were some of my highlights of the year – what were yours?

Happy New Years’ Eve everybody and here’s to a mega year ahead! xx