Good News . . . and Bad News

By Vickilane

I have my camera back, sparkling clean and the zoom is no longer sticking! The bad news is that the folks , in testing it, said there seemed to be an intermittent problem with the card reader and the camera was registering an error code. Which meant the card reader was wearing/worn out. Which meant the camera would have to get sent off to Nikon for that repair as Nikon no longer sold those parts.

Oh, noes!   But I tried it out as I left the camera repair place  . . .

and again in the grocery store parking lot -- not trying for a picture, as such, just wanting to see if it was working and not sending an error code. So far so good . . .

 And all the way up our driveway, I kept challenging that elderly card reader . . . testing it . . . these leaves . . .

those ripening blackberries . . .
the rioting hydrangeas at the barn . . .

worth a closer look . . .

and on up past the orchard . . .

to a geranium on the front porch! So far, so good. 

I'm probably on borrowed time -- things do wear out and I've taken thousands of pictures in the almost nine years I've had this camera. Sooner or later I'll have to send it off for repair and re-grooving (anyone remember The Firesign Theater?)

But till then . . .