GOLD RUSH Dream Cast

By Jcomeaux @LadyWave4
I always love coming up with my dream movie cast for each of my books, and I knew right away who I pictured playing the main characters in my new release GOLD RUSH. Here are some fun facts about the characters and a look at the actors I'd choose to play them!
LIZA PETROV (played by Emily Rudd)
Hometown: White Plains, NY/Dennis, MA
Favorite Movie: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Hobbies: Writing, reading
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite thing about Braden: His fun and upbeat personality

BRADEN PATRICK (played by Shawn Mendes)
Hometown: Fall River, MA
Favorite Movie: Field of Dreams
Favorite Food: Deluxe pizza
Hobbies: Watching sports, running
Favorite thing about Liza: Her drive and her sense of humor

Check out my pages for my other books for those casts! You'll see lots of secondary characters from GOLD RUSH ;)