Goals: Running and Racing

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
It is time to fully wrap my head around the fact that I am registered to run a half marathon on March 23rd. It has been there in the back of my mind always. It isn't like I forgot about it. But my mind has ironically been daydreaming of marathons at the end of the year, dreams of breaking a 4:20 and eventually a 4:00 are still there for me. But honestly, it is time to get my mind back into the present and focus on next weekend.
What are my goals for the Valley to the Sea Half Marathon? If I only knew....
Seriously, that IT band jiggle has me uncertain how it will hold up come race day. I have been running less, resting, recovering, and trying to prevent true injury. I think I am good to go but you never really know until you actually get out there and go. It seems to be a double edged sword or a lose-lose situation: run less and heal leads to doubts in ability vs. run the distance and aggravate the IT band more leads to injury. Of course, there is that third option, run more, feel fine, and build confidence. Risk and reward. A tough analysis.
So let's approach my goals systematically.
In a perfect world my body is performing well meaning no issues with the IT band. I would like to break a 1:50 half marathon. My PR is 1:56:20 set in April 2011 at the Wahine Half Marathon. 1:50 should be totally doable as some of the course next weekend is downhill. That totally works in my favor for pace but is a risk.
In an okay world my leg feels the struggles of the downhill (at the start of the race by the way) but doesn't get too aggravated. I finish the race PR or no PR.
What other option is there? Okay, there is that option I fear. The course rips me up and I pull my phone off my arm and call my husband to tell him I am on the side of the road in tears with pain. I totally don't want to go down that road. No one does. But we all know, that road is always there and could happen to anyone of us any day. Is it the end of the world? No. Will it feel like the end of the world? Probably so. Am I going to end up there? Not if I have anything to say about it. Do I have any say? Do any of us?
But now that I have faced that dark fear, said it out loud (writing and blogging it counts as out loud, right?), it is time to focus on the positive. Fill my soul with confidence, trust, and faith. Each step of each run is a blessing in life. I am grateful for the journey. I have huge plans for the year. Next weekend marks race #1 of the year. It is time to toe the starting line because being away from it so long is making race day harder to embrace.
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful that I passed my RRCA Running Coach test and completed my taxes!
Daily Affirmation: I am in complete control of my personal happiness.
P.S. Did you know I am doing a survey on running? You may have seen the tab on my blog, a tweet, or a facebook post. If you haven't participated yet, please do! And please share! Feel free to grab teh survey button and link it back to the survey! The data analyst in me would love more responses. I do have a good number now and will be collecting data all month!

P.S.S. I am toying with the idea to do running surveys on different topics throughout the year and reporting the results. Would you like this or am I just too nerdy for my own good?