GO Open Data Conference

By T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

By definition, open data is considered to be machine-readable data that can be freely used, reused and redistributed by anybody with no restrictions. It provides transparency and efficiency in government, and allows developers to create innovative solutions and new business ideas that can help address community problems such as transportation or affordable housing. It means more engaged citizens, bringing together public and private organizations and bridging gaps.

GO Open Data Conference 2019

The GO Open Data Conference is a non-profit annual event, held by the Ontario Open Data community that started back in 2013. It attracts participants from the public, private and non-profit sectors, citizens, academia, media and government. Every year since it started, it has grown, attracting a larger and broader crowd every year.

This year GO Open Data 2019, will take place at the Toronto Reference Library (located at 789 Yonge Street) on May 3rd and 4th.

The theme will be " Open - Inclusive, Equitable, Ethical & Impactful", keynote speakers include Tracey Lauriault from Carleton University, Jonathan Dewar from the First Nations Information Governance Centre and Teresa Scassa from the University of Ottawa. For more details about these keynote speaker and the program see http://2019.go-opendata.ca/program-2/

There are a limited number of seats available, so make sure you register to reserve yours.