Go Green and Save Green When You Buy in Bulk

Posted on the 05 March 2013 by T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

When you’re looking for ways to make a positive impact on the environment, consider buying in bulk. Bulk products include very little packaging, and you can purchase just the amount you need. Whether you have a large family or live alone, you can save money and go green when you buy in bulk.

Decrease Your Carbon Footprint

Everyone has a carbon footprint. Bulk shopping minimizes yours, though.

First, factories emit CO2 when they produce cardboard and plastic packaging. By buying in bulk, you consume less packaging material that harms the environment.

Second, you toss less waste. Bulk products require less packaging than individual packages. You reduce waste and keep landfills cleaner for future generations.

Finally, bulk products reduce harmful CO2 emissions during the transportation process. Since bulk products are packaged efficiently, they fit compactly into trucks. Fewer trucks can haul more bulk product, and thus emit less CO2. Likewise, you emit fewer environmental pollutants because you drive to the grocery or warehouse store less often.

Waste Fewer Products

If you love trying new recipes, you know the frustration of needing only a teaspoon rather than an entire bottle of an unusual ingredient. Shop from the bulk bins, and buy as little or as much as you need. You waste fewer products, save money and still get to try delicious new foods.

Save Money

Most products sold in the bulk section cost less than their packaged counterparts do. For example, if a 40-ounce bottle of soap costs $4.00, you pay 10 cents per ounce. A 20-ounce bottle of the same soap may cost $3. That turns out to 15 cents per ounce. You save money when you buy the bigger bottle of soap, and that savings multiplies as you buy additional bulk food, office and personal care products.

What Can You Buy in Bulk?

Here’s a list of several popular bulk products you can find in grocery, warehouse or online stores.

1. Office Supplies

·   pens and pencils

·   printer ink and paper

·   paper clips, staples or rubber bands

·   light bulbs

2. Hygiene Necessities

·   body wash

·   soap

·   shampoo

·   shaving cream

·   hair spray

·   toothpaste

·   mouthwash

3. Cleaning Product

·   window washing fluid

·   dust remover

·   toilet cleaner

·   floor solutions

·   sponges and rags

4. Food

·   beans

·   flour

·   grains

·   pastas

·   coffee

·   herbs and spices

Usage Tips

Bulk purchases are better for the environment and your wallet, but you want to actually use the bulk products you buy. Instead of wasting products, split large quantities with friends or family members. Store bulk foods in airtight containers to prolong their shelf life. Freeze extra herbs until you need them. It’s also a good idea to write the date of purchase on each package so you use each item when it’s still fresh.

Are you ready to decrease your carbon footprint and save money? Buy in bulk. It’s good for the environment and your wallet.

About b_samsonite

has written 6 article(s) for EnvironmentGreen.com.

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