Glutathione: The Experts Weigh In

By Glissandra @glissandra

In a recent post, we learned that Schisandrin B stimulates the production of glutathione (GSH), the body’s most potent natural antioxidant. Using anti-aging skincare products that contain Schisandrin B will effectively and drastically reduce the unsightly physical manifestations of skin aging, such as wrinkles, age spots, droopy eyelids, and sagging neck skin.

Like no man is an island, no organ of the body functions entirely independently of the others. Our cells work in harmony to create and sustain life. Though we have discussed the importance of glutathione in skin health, it is important to consider the wider-ranging implications of glutathione for our overall well-being.

Expert opinions

Here’s what some of the experts are saying about the role of glutathione in health:

“No other antioxidant is as important to overall health as glutathione. It is the regenerator of immune cells and the most valuable detoxifying agent in the body. Low levels are associated with early aging and even death.”

- Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe and Patrick J.D. Bouic, Ph.D., The Immune System Cure

“Raised glutathione levels fight the oxidation of circulating fats in the bloodstream, including cholesterol, retarding the process of plaque formation in the arteries – the underlying cause for most heart disease and stroke.”

- Nutrition Reviews 54: 1-30, 1996

“It is well known that aging is accompanied by a precipitous fall in GSH levels. Lower GSH levels are implicated in many diseases associated with aging, including cataracts, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, atherosclerosis and others.”

- Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 47: 1021-26, 1994

The future of healthy aging

Scientists around the world have been pursuing progressively more advanced research on glutathione and Schisandrin B. We may not be able to stop the clock, but what we already know about these compounds demonstrates their significance in the campaign for healthy aging, starting with the body’s largest organ: our skin.


Quirin, Dr. K. W. et al. Supercritical Schisandra Extracts – a New Concept for Personal Care Cosmetics. Cosmetic Science Technology, 2008.

Gutman, Dr. Jimmy. GSH Your Body’s Most Powerful Protector GLUTATHIONE. Montreal: Communications, 2002. Print.

Somersall, Dr. Allan C. and Dr. Gustavo Bounous. Breakthrough in Cell-Defense. USA: GOLDENeight Publishing, 1999. Print.

Vanderhaeghe, Lorna R. and Patrick J.D. Bouic, Ph.D. The Immune System Cure. New York: Kensington, 2002. Print.