Glossary of Terms

Posted on the 14 May 2014 by Hr Success Guide @HRSuccessGuide

AvatarPhoto, Graphic or Image that represents you across blog and other social networking sites
BlogAn online Journal
BloggerA person who writes a Blog
BlogospherePersonal Websites and Blogs Collectively
BlogrollList or Hyperlinks to blogs / websites that Author likes. Usually placed in the side bar of a blog
CSSCascading Style Sheets. Written in HTML used to style web pages
Feed: Web Feed used for providing users with frequently updated contents
KeywordA word of great significance generally used to find information while researching
Meta TagsElements that provide info about web page to help search engine categories them correctly
PermalinkA permanent static hyperlink to a particular blog post or a web page
PodcastingiPod + Broadcasting = Podcasting. Posting Audio and Video material on Blog and its feed
PostAn article within a blog
RSS: Really Simple Syndication. Users subscribe to frequently published feed with ease to follow updates
SitemapA Public Directory or Index that lists all pages of your website and links to them
SubscribeAllow readers to receive notifications when a new post is published on the blog
TagA word or set of words that categories blog post to be displayed in different categories
TaglineA catch phase or a punch line used for advertising to create a dramatic effect
TemplateA layout to present contents in a predefined format
URLUniform Resource Locator. Address of information on web such as page, image or document
Widget: Interchangable sections uniquely designed for a purpose and generally found in the side bar