Give Me Grace: Saying Goodbye.

By Jenrene

I'm just noticing how I feel about saying goodbye... Good relationships are sometimes good even before you really know they are.

This week I had to end two relationships therapeutically with kids I see as a counselor. I had a special tug at my heart, with all three of them. It's funny how we bond.

One of them, I loved her sense of humor and the small ways she made me laugh.

Another, he was just learning how to be merciful and kind towards others and I'd gotten through. (Yay! He made strides!)

And yet another, he was laughing and having so much fun with me in therapy, it was hard to even tell him I was leaving. (His reaction surprised me!)

I am not sure what bonds us to another human being, but man..I really love meeting and knowing people the way I do.

God did something real special when he gave me friends, family and clients.

Above, is my of the greatest relationships I have ... She's pretty darn special in my book! Life without her woukd be so different and possibly even more difficult!

I haven't seen my sister since April. A few years ago she came to live in my city. I hadn't lived with her in the same city for about twenty years! Seeing her leave.... was grief of another kind. It's was hard for several months. Yet she came to fulfill a very hard time and space in my life. So glad she was here when she was. God's timing was perfect.

I never thought about Gods timing in our relationships; until she decided to be present in this way.What an entirely complete blessing from the Lord!

Love her.❤

So today I ask for grace, God.. grace to be benevolent in all my ways, and appreciate even the small things and the small ways that I bond with the people I work with and whom You intentionally send across my paths. Help me to trust Your perfect plan.

Thank you for relationships.

Thanks for how they make us smile, feel special, help us feel appreciated and give us warmth, inside.

Thanks for those who love us, even when we feel unlovable.


Here's the appreciation I've learned in saying goodbye: it's just as special as saying hello. (Smile.)

By the way... I'm joining the Give Me Grace Community over at Lisa Epperson's blog! Join us!