Give Julian Bakery What They Deserve

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

This is not right. As I’ve mentioned before, Julian Bakery has been selling some very obviously fake low-carb bread:

One woman with diabetes got so upset about this blood-sugar-raising bread that she payed herself for an independent analysis. The result? The nutrition info was not even close, Julian Bakery’s “low-carb” bread contained loads of carbohydrates. A whopping 17 times more than the label implied!

This woman even started a not-for-profit website to spread the truth about the carb content of Julian Bakery’s bread and other low-carb scams.

The result? Julian Bakery is suing her for “defamation and slander”! She was reportedly just served court papers. As she does not have money for an attorney she will have to use free legal aid – a problem that Julian Bakery hardly has.

It’s only slander if it isn’t true. It seems like Julian Bakery is trying to silence a prominent critic of their low-carb scams.

Time for justice

I think these dishonest people deserve some internet justice. If you agree then give them a well-deserved review on Google and the results will show up every time someone googles their name. Their grade is already less-than-stellar at 2.5 stars out of 5, due to assorted customer complaints, but that’s too high I think.

Julian Bakery on Google

Julian Bakery on Yelp (2/5 rating at the moment)

PS: I recommend this hilarious video (watched almost 500 000 times) about the problem with Julian Bakery’s new high-gluten low-carb bread. In addition to that problem there’s of course a gluten problem with the gluten.


Atkins and Their Fairy Tale Candy

Why You Should Never Trust a Low-Carb Label

The Dreamfields Pasta Fraud


I have no financial interests in this or any other producer of low-carb products. I’m only interested in outing low-carb frauds.