CosRx is undeniably one of the most loved skin care brands in Asia, it has a cult following! Their products are highly recommended by Charlotte Cho of Soko Glam, beauty bloggers & vloggers, Asian Beauty enthusiasts in Reddit, and even me. If you're still not familiar with them, you better check out their entire line of products, because you're definitely missing out. But despite that, just like any other Asian beauty brands, they also have released a product that will make you think "WTF?! Is that a gimmick?" So of course, I immediately added it to my cart and test it myself. Below is my CosRx Blackhead Silk Finger Ball review to know if this is a gimmick or worth buying.
What is it?
CosRx Blackhead Silk Finger Ball is made with 100% natural silk and natural protein sericin which surprisingly helps clear away tough blackheads and sebum build up. Designed to be worn on the tip of the finger and gently rubbed over impurities to remove them; convenient design for quick skin fixes.
USE: In order to use this as a gentle exfoliator, soaked a cocoon into warm water. When dampened, pop a cocoon onto one of your index fingers and work it in circles around your face, concentrating on congested areas to eliminate pore-clogging grime and dead skin cells.
SCENT: It literally smells like soil on a garden when it rains.
PACKAGING: The CosRx Blackhead Finger Ball is packaged in a zipped lock plastic. But inside, it is packaged in another plastic, for double protection. It contains 12 silk balls, and you can use 1 cocoon for up to 3 uses.
RESULTS: It wasn't indicated in the instructions if I should use this while my face is dry or wet, before or after cleansing, but I decided to use this after I applied cleansing oil or Cetaphil. I actually find it a bit funny, it looks like I'm picking my nose in some angles, but this product works! I especially love using this on the corners of my nose which are hard to reach by cleansing brush and my lower lips where I have a bunch of whiteheads. The CosRx Blackhead Silk Finger Ball sound and look gimmicky but overall, it kept my nose and lower lips smooth and free from bumps.
On the photo below, my silk finger ball had this gray-ish slimy thing which I assume are junk inside my pores. Honestly, after looking at it I don't think I could use the cocoon two more times. I toss it in the bin already.
PROS: It's affordable, organic, works well on removing blackheads and whiteheads (as long as it's not severe), and easy to use.
CONS: It smells like soil, and I don't think you can use a single cocoon for up to 3 uses.
Will I buy it again? Actually, yes. Those trendy cleansing brushes and silicones cannot reach the corners or my nose so I prefer CosRx.
Where to buy?
You can buy CosRx Blackhead Silk Finger Ball in Style Korean for $3 which cotains 12 silk balls. They ship internationally and you can get free samples for every purchase. They also offer free shipping, but the limit depends in each country.
You can also buy this in Wishtrend for $5. They offer worldwide free shipping on orders above $69. And you can buy this too in Yes Style for $6. But if you live in the UK or around Europe you can also buy this in Cult Beauty for £ 8. All with the same pack of 12 silk balls.
If you live in the Philippines, you can buy the same 12 silk ball pack in BeautyMNL for Php180, and in Althea for Php190 which also ships in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam.