Gifting { My Picks }

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

Hi again, it’s me that long lost forgotten blogger who has been seriously awful in keeping you all in touch with how everything has been going. Anyway, the detox has been completed, definitely lots more to be written about on that and recipes to be shared. Thank you as well for all your comments they were so interesting and heartfelt to read, so thank you. I genuinely was very happily surprised that I had even one comment since it was a fairly substantial wordy-post! Right, back to Christmas (having been cooking with so much cinnamon recently it’s still in my head) and my “Top Picks” this year! Santa was pretty darn good and there was certainly a lot of giving this year from everyone, and a few surprises too. First up books, well Christmas books, i.e. the best kind of books there are to read by the fire. I sent Ma an email with a link to Red Magazine’s top Christmas books and voila, a little pile was opened on Christmas morning. I have so far devoured 3/4 of them, and I especially love Karen Swan’s books (hoping for some more for the birthday!). | Link for RED’s Best Christmas ...