Giant Day: Glass Narcissus

Posted on the 12 September 2024 by Hctf @hctf

Psychedelic pop duo Giant Day consists of two veterans from the indie underground scene. Multi-instrumentalists Derek Almstead (The Olivia Tremor Control, Elf Power, The Glands, of Montreal) and singer Emily Growden (Faster Circuits, Marshmallow Coast) cut their teeth in Athens, GA and took their Krautock meets adventurous dream pop and post-punk with them when they set up shop in a shop in a farm in Pennsylvania. Their debut full-length Glass Narcissus is a summation of a couple decades worth lessons they have learned along the way.

It is a record for listeners who are willing to go in at the deep end to explore inner turmoil, pet peeves and serious concerns, wrapped in subdued yet danceable music. Darkness beckons, but there is also a glimmer of light offering a chance to see if some of the fears are real or imagined. Jangling, slightly distorted guitars and tinkling synths are the foundation for soft-spoken vocals deserving undivided attention.

Glass Narcissus is released via The Elephant 6 Recording Company (vinyl, digital).

  1. I Can Take It
  2. Ignore the Flood
  3. Vacation
  4. Walk with a Shadow
  5. Overtone
  6. Suspended Animation
  7. Fair Dues
  8. We Were Friends
  9. Patience
  10. Reflections on Kettle Black
Live date:
  • 01/24 Chicago, IL @ The Hideout (w/ Bronzek)

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