Ghost Signs (96): Westcombe Hill

By Carolineld @carolineld
It was as if Westcombe Hill realised that walking up it in drizzling rain wasn't much fun. To motivate me, it offered not one but two ghost signs on the way. 
The first is a rather dashing, if very faded, advertisement for one P or J Moore. Some of the goods offered can be deciphered: underclothing, blouses, hosiery, calicoes, curtains, flanelettes. There's also some very swirly lettering in the top-right corner; I can't decipher it, although the initials 'C M' are there. 

Further up the hill is a smaller, plainer but equally faded sign. It advertised C Holmes, Plumber & Decorator, who promised 'alterations, repairs, sanitary work of every description, estimates free'. His telephone number is not fully legible but ends 'Green 1187.'

There's even a rather fun little flourish for the sanitary work, in contrast to the rest of the rather severe text. All in all, cheering enough to speed me on my way through the rain!