Getting the Information to the Front Line

By Survivingana @survivingana

the front line:

  •  the GP, general medical doctor
  • school/uni nurse or counsellor
  • parents

what are they missing:

  • the truth/facts about eating disorders
  • how serious they are
  • they are not a passing phase or something else
  • you NEED to act immediately, REGARDLESS!

This month we have 5 new inpatients to our children’s ward, one of which is in the intensive care unit. Why, because local doctors don’t react quickly enough, don’t believe, don’t refer onto appropriate care. The young men and women, then end up so ill that they need hospital care.

Worse parents and sufferers have to find through other means, word of mouth, who to see, what to do to find the appropriate medical assistance.

What does it take to get the message through??? Seriously, do local GP’s just bury their heads in the sand or pretend they know everything!!!!!

Someone asked this week on Tumblr, what happened in the years previous before this enlightened age of eating disorder care. I told her the enlightened age has still not come. Too many are still heading for inpatient treatment because no one will act early enough to help them. Too many are still dying.