Getting Revenge: Teach You Not To Cheat

By Skewl @skewl

The person you loved, with all of your heart and soul, has been unfaithful. No, that’s too kind. They’ve been a cheating son-of-a-bitch, and you’d like to tear their heart out, spending the next few weeks jumping up and down on it. That’s not really a possibility, though, so what do you do with all of that pent-up rage? A few enterprising cheaters have come up with some creative paybacks. Here are a few of the worst revenges taken (not recommended to actually perpetuate yourself):

Old-School Ostracizing

It seems that advertising and detailing what the cheater did, in detail, made a few women feel better. One Italian woman posted her ex-fiance’s Facebook picture all over his hometown- with his head poking out between two breasts that didn’t belong to her. Another woman took it a step further, and had a highway billboard created with her ex’s phone number below. Then there’s the poor fellow that had his naked pictures (it really was cold that day) plastered all over the city.

Hello World, This Guy is a Dick

From Tweets to Facebook to Youtube, fuming females have done just about everything. It’s not enough for some to simply tell friends. They tell the world. His friends, his family, his co-workers,  his boss. These days it’s not safe to cheat on anyone, eh? Even Ebay and Craigslist have been used to sell off: his stuff, the other woman’s offending panties he stupidly left around (with his picture attached) and condoms- size ‘small.’

Oh, Was That Important to You?

Every guy has his baby, his pride and joy. One man loved, really loved his car. Before the shiny black body was splashed with hot-pink cheat paint. A clothes horse came home to a smoldering pile of what used to be his most expensive suits. A personal favorite is the dumbass comic book collector who left his collection at his ex’s, only to find them in little, itty-bitty pieces. Hey, his cheating did the same thing to her heart, so don’t go looking for sympathy here.

A Farewell Gift of Itch

By far and away, one of the worst revenges is giving your ex crabs. Can you believe there’s an online site that sells different degrees of crabs? Seriously. You buy the critters from the shop, sneak into the ex’s drawers drawer and set them free. He’ll not only be itching for a good, long time- that honey that he’s with now will also benefit from your vengeful generosity.*

When you’re cheated on, after the shock comes anger. With anger comes a desperate need for revenge. But that’s just it: desperate. They say no revenge is the best revenge you can get, by not showing the other person how much they hurt you. You’ve got a choice, to either fantasize about it or to do it. Paybacks can blow up in your face, though, making you not the victim but ‘that crazy bitch of an ex.’ And let’s face it, nobody wants the title of being a Bunny Boiler.

*Using this method of revenge is just plain evil and not worthy of normals.

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