Getting My Natural Hair Back to Healthy

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic
About a month ago I found my hair to be very dry and breaking off a lot. I knew a few contributing factors were that I'd become lazy with moisturizing my hair in early pregnancy, and I was napping a lot, which meant laying on various surfaces without my scarf on or satin pillowcase.

Once I got my energy back the first thing I did was a henna treatment to jump-start my hair back to health. Then I resolved to find a good combination of products to moisturize my hair in between washes and I settled on a simple duo: 

Oyin Handmade's Burnt Sugar Pomade and aloe vera juice/water spray.

In the spray bottle I put about 1 part aloe vera juice and 2 parts water. You could probably go with all aloe vera juice if you wanted. It's all natural. I even drink it sometimes in juice, it's good for digestion. 

So in between wash days (which is usually the span of a week), about every other day, I spray my hair with the water/aloe vera juice spray, and then apply the Burnt Sugar Pomade to seal in the moisture. This gives me really shiny, soft, and moisturized hair. 

I'm feeling much better about the conditioner of my hair following my henna treatment and new moisture routine. 

What's your hair doing lately?