Getting Married Spiritually but Not Legally? Here’s Food for Thought

By Demi Mist @Beautyandmist

Getting married is a big deal. It's the beginning of a new life together, with all the ups and downs of such a long term relationship. However, there's much more to it than just sharing dreams and being emotionally supportive.

Some people choose to get married religiously but not legally. These couples often see this as a halfway house or a compromise of some kind. To some extent, it obviously is. But it's also the couple's clear statement of intent to make their relationship commitment official.

Is this kind of marriage right for you? Then keep reading to discover more about getting married spiritually but not legally.

Exploring In Getting Married Spiritually But Not Legally

A spiritual union emphasizes mutual respect, self-fulfillment, and personal growth. Although the couple may not have a legally binding marriage, they may still choose to go ahead with many of the typical wedding traditions. This includes offering vows, reciting vows, and having a wedding ceremony.

They may also decide to have a wedding reception to celebrate the spiritual union. They may still want to employ professional wedding catering services for the occasion.

Different religions offer different means for providing spiritual union. For this reason, it's important to research to understand what is necessary for each.

Regardless, it is possible to enjoy a wedding and a wedding reception without a legally binding marriage. This is another way to create a symbolic union and acknowledge their commitment to each other and to the divine.

The Difference Between Spiritual And Legal Marriage

Spiritual marriage is when two people join together in unity with God and each other. It is focused more on their spiritual well-being.

This type of marriage includes following a specific liturgy within your faith tradition. They are compelling due to their focus on building a deep spiritual bond between the couple.

In contrast, a legal wedding ceremony is a permanent and binding contract between two people. This type of marriage is focused on obtaining a set of rights and responsibilities that come with being legally wed. In addition to a wedding ceremony, the couple must file the appropriate paperwork in their county.

The Pros and Cons of Spiritual Marriage

A spiritual marriage gives couples a more symbolic way of committing to each other. It is not legally bound, and there is more flexibility and freedom regarding relationship dynamics.

It also allows couples to create stronger spiritual connections and affirm their love for one another. However, a spiritual marriage may give the couple a false sense of security. It can create a false understanding of their legal rights.

Legal Ramifications Of Spiritual Marriage

If the couple chooses to divorce, they would not have access to divorce courts and could not legally divorce until either party gets a court decree. Legal benefits, as well as other forms of legal protection, may not apply to those who are technically unmarried.

Understand The Practical Implications Of A Spiritual Marriage

Getting married spiritually but not legally can be a great way to solidify a union; however, it may also leave you with legal uncertainties. It is important to weigh both pros and cons before deciding.

You must talk to an attorney and consider the full implications of a spiritual marriage. Deciding on how to get married is a decision that should be taken seriously.

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