Getting Hungry? A Book on Pizza

By Travelingbook @travelingbook

Fancy a slice?

Pizza is one of those things that are so close to our lives that it’s really easy take it for granted. Although, it’s hard no to enjoy it every single time we oreder one.

It’s so common nowadays, that it’s difficult to think about when and how the story of this delicious dish started. Lucky for me, I came acroos this book: The little guide to Pizzas, published by Fog City Press.

At the begining I thought it would be only a book with many recipes, what was great, but I got even more surprised when I started going through its pages and I found how many historical details the book had.

Then I learned that the ancient Greek prepared a seasoned raising bread that resemble in some way the pizza bread. However the highlight in the evolution of pizza was the arrival of tomato from Latin America to Europa in the XVI century. It was then when the Italians started to mix the round bread base with some tomato sauce and any kind of vegetables and meat.

From then, the expansion of the business specialized in preparing pizza hasn’t stopped. Pizza makers have been able to adjust to major changes such as immigration and financial crisis, offering at all times a delicious and achievable alternative for those who want to eat something tasty.

Along with the historical information, the guide has many recipes that go from the preparation of several kinds of pizza bread, to different sauces and tappings.

The reading is really enjoyable and it’s really hard no to get hungry after seeing all the pictures and learning all those hidden details that this dish holds.