Get The Look! Grammys 2014 Nail Art

By Natacha Neveu @thesortinghouse

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Face Off: The Grammys 2014 Nail Art

On Monday I wrote about the 2014 Grammys nail art looks, or lack of. Most of the nails on the Grammy red carpet were nudes, pinks and classics. With the exception of Lorde’s black stained nail art of course. One of TheSortingHouse readers Mara said she liked Rita Ora‘s multi coloured, cartoon nail art. However, my two favorite looks were that of Leona Lewis and Cyndi Lauper.

Leona Lewis and Cyndi Lauper Grammys 2014 inspired nail art

Both Cyndi Lauper and Leona Lewis went for simple, yet striking nail art designs. So naturally I decided to recreate these looks, and combine them in to one mani. Here’s the 2014 Grammys Nail Art Face Off!

Keep reading to find out how I achieved this look, as always you can Shop the Look near the end of the post. You’ll also find my contact links near the end of the post if you want to get in touch, I love hearing from you!

Leona ‘take the face…off’ Lewis Grammys 2014 Nail Art -Instagram

Leona Lewis and Cyndi Lauper Grammys 2014 inspired nail art

I used L’Oreal 7 in 1 Saviour La Manicure as a base coat. Then I painted two coats of Barry M Matt White on all but the ring finger nail.

Leona Lewis and Cyndi Lauper Grammys 2014 inspired nail art

On the ring finger accent I channeled Cyndi by painting two coats of Barry M Gold. Once dry, I painted half the nail with China Glaze Liquid Leather.

Leona Lewis and Cyndi Lauper Grammys 2014 inspired nail art

With China Glaze Liquid Leather I painted two thick stripes with the nail polish brush. Starting in the moon area on the nail I applied a little pressure to achieve the round of the brush near the end, before slowly dragging backwards and upwards in a straight(ish) line. The key here is to leave a big gap of white at first, if you wobble or make a mistake, you can then neaten it up as you narrow the gap.

Leona Lewis and Cyndi Lauper Grammys 2014 inspired nail art

I sealed it all off with a coat of Seche Vite Fast et voila!

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Leona Lewis and Cyndi Lauper Grammys 2014 inspired nail art

For me the winner is Leona’s nail art look for the Grammys 2014, but I’ve always been a sucker for monochrome. I like how simple and easy this nail art is too and it would work with so many different color combinations – perfect for when you want more than a base color but can’t really be bothered painting a masterpiece either.

Cyndi’s nail art actually looks better as a whole set, I can’t say I like the combination of these two nail art looks on one hand. However, Cyndi’s look is also easy and ever so simple to achieve. Why not give the looks a go?

Shop the Look

Please note the nail polishes used to achieve this Grammys 2014 nail art look may contain harmful toxins, read about being a Conscious Beauty: is Nail Polish Dangerous? and remember if you want to avoid toxins, always check the ingredients.

L’Oreal 7 in 1 Saviour La Manicure is available for £5.99 from Boots. (and you’ll get 20 advantage card points)

Barry M Matt White is £2.99 from Superdrug. (you’ll get a measly 2 reward points here)

Barry M Gold is £2.99 also from Superdrug. (again just 2 points)

China Glaze Liquid Leather RRP is around £9 but I found it on Chemist Direct on sale for £4.99, however it is out of stock at time of this going live. Ebay have some from upwards of £1.50 but be careful of substandard products if it isn’t from a registered China Glaze stockist though.

Seche Vite Fast is available for £9.85 from Feel Unique.

Over to You!

What do you think of these nail art looks? Which is your favourite? Maybe you’ve already recreated one of these looks? or both?!

Let me know in the comments below, or you can find me on ➳ Twitter ➳ Facebook ➳ Pinterest ➳Instagram ➳ Google + ➳ #grammysnailsfaceoff

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