GeoGeeks Fraser Valley Group

By T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

The GeoGeeks Fraser Valley Group is for those interested in spatial related things and for those who are interested in sharing that passion with others through spatial technology.

“Perhaps you like to develop custom solutions and understand APIs and programming or you’re just someone who has a use for web mapping. The Fraser Valley is on the outskirts of most of the existing mapping organizations and we want to build our own community.”

There is so much that cab be learned and shared from one another: open data, open street mapping, open source software, new technology and techniques, and more. So if you are in the Fraser Valley  area then you should get together, network  and support one other!

See check out the groups meeting page for a calender of events and to get in contact with people of this group.

[image soure: GeoGeeks FV group]