Gear Junkie Offers Tips For Winter Fat Biking

Posted on the 23 January 2020 by Kungfujedi @Kungfujedi

In the past, one of the hardest parts about the arrival of winter was that you had to put away your bike for the season and look for other ways to get outside and exercise. That all changed with the arrival of fat bikes some years ago, which with their oversized tires allowed riders to float along on snow and ice with relative ease. But taking the leap to cold weather riding on a fat bike has continued to be daunting for cyclists, many of whom still diligently set their bikes aside for the colder months of the year. If you've always wanted to give winter fat biking a try, but were a little intimated to get started, you're in luck. Gear Junkie has shared an article that should answer a lot of questions and help you get up and pedaling.

The article offers 11 tips that are great for beginners, with lots of advise that many of us wouldn't know before we started. For instance, it is recommended that you use flat pedals because you may find yourself putting a foot down more often on the powder, but also because ice and snow tend to building up on the pedal, which could create issues with clipliess models. The authors also recommend using a dropper post to assist in the constant on and off process and using a 1x drivetrain to simplify your set up and because you won't need so many gears. The recommendations for equipment don't end there either, as there is an entire list of layers to wear while riding in the winter too, something that can help with both comfort and performance.

The rest of the list is filled with some other really useful tips, including curbing your expectations for the ride. A fat bike isn't as easy to pedal as a regular mountain bike or road bike for instance, so your distances will likely be far less and more demanding. The idea is to get out and have some fun on a bike in the snow, but don't count on riding your regular number of miles, at least at first. The best piece of advice given in the entire story however, is probably the last tidbit. It recommends embracing the adventure that comes with a winter fat bike ride, because it is an experience that is unlike any other kind of riding.

Check out the full story here.