Gear Closet: Adventure Medical Kits Mountain Series Review

Posted on the 04 April 2017 by Kungfujedi @Kungfujedi
It's no secret I'm a big fan of Adventure Medical Kits. In fact, I carry one of their first aid kits with me on pretty much every trip I take. They're incredibly well designed, have everything you need in a neat, well organized, and compact package, and its easy to restock when you start to run low on supplies. Recently, I've had the chance to take a look at the company's revamped line of Mountain Medical Kits, and as usual I came away very impressed with the products and the attention to detail shown in putting them together.
As is typical with AMK's different line of products, the Mountain line comes in a variety of sizes based on the activity and number of people that will be along for the journey. For instance, the Mountain Day Tripper Kit is made to support two people out on a day hike and sells for just $15. Meanwhile, the Mountain Mountaineer version is designed for as many as 10 people for up to 28 days in the wild and carries a price tag of $200. In between you'll find four other models of various sizes and price points.
But no matter which version you go with, you'll get very similar features. For instance, the bags are all organized by the type of condition or injury that needs to be treated with all of the necessary supplies found in one convenient place. The back of the bag also includes a kit map that tells you where everything can be found as well, and semi-transparent internal pockets make it a breeze to find whatever you are looking for.
Each of the bags comes equipped with similar items as well, although the larger the med kit, the more supplies that are contained inside. Some of the options that are designed for longer expeditions have a few speciality items that aren't needed in the day kits of course, but for the most part they are stocked with a lot of the same supplies, just in smaller or larger quantities as needed.
The Mountain kits have been a part of AMK's line-up for awhile now, but for 2017 they received a bit of a revamp to make sure that they remain revenant for the current approach for treating injuries. Each of the packs comes with a copy of "A Quick Gide to Wilderness First Aid" by Dr. Eric A Weiss, which has also been updated to meet current trends. The bags themselves have been redesigned as well and now have a trapezoidal shape, which gives users more room inside to carry their own medications and supplies. As usual, the bags are super durable to survive our travels and outdoor adventures.
Personally, I think that the AMK kits should be mandatory gear for travelers and outdoor adventurers. They truly provide everything you need for life in the wild and the company has a kit for just about every budget as well. Once you start carrying one with you, you'll realize how handy they really are and wonder why you haven't been using one before.
To check out the full line of Mountain series kits, or other options from AMK, visit