Gary Taubes on What He Eats for Breakfast and Why America Is Fat

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

If you ever wondered what low-carb pioneer and author Gary Taubes eats in a typical day, or pondered about the whys of the obesity epidemic, then you should read this article:

GQ: Gary Taubes, the Man Who Knows Why America Is Fat'

Once you're insulin resistant - metabolically disturbed, as the paleo/LCHF folks like to say - you're secreting more insulin to handle the carbohydrates you're consuming, and you're gaining fat, heading toward becoming diabetic. The question then is what do you have to do to solve that problem. For most people, just removing the sugar is not enough. You need to remove all the easily digestible carbs, which means pretty much all those except the carbs in green vegetables.